Ladies and Gentlemen,
Send exercise messages to N0OZ.
Thank you for participating in the IOWA WINLINK MONDAY!
This net is specifically for practicing emergency communication utilizing WINLINK. Check-Ins will be accepted anytime 00:00 through 23:59 each Monday Central Time.
ONLY HF/VHF connects will count. Telnet will not be accepted.
Hey Folks,
It's been a while! I have been so out of the hobby it's ridiculous. It all started with a broken antenna. I am working with a few locals in Humboldt to do something for winter field day. We will be having a fairly large event happening here.Our County Emergency Manager is coordinating with a few other county Emergency Managers to do an EMCOM Exercise that will run parallel and include us operators.
We will be running winlink and would like to be able to to a few peer to peer connections. I believe we will have an 80 meter antenna so we can possibly do some NVIS within the state. If not, we will be sending practice msgs out. tHE Callsign to be used is KF0SYA, the Springvale Amateur Radio Club.I appreciate those that have been checking in regardless of my email reminders.
I have winlink up and running again! See you on the air
We will do a regular Winlink check in form.Exercise Exercise
Ariel, NØOZ